Build Up Your Immune System This Winter

The flu season is upon us. With everyone getting sick around you, your body requires as much nutrition as possible. It is important to have a rich diet; drinking water and having the essential vitamins and minerals. Here are a few foods packed with immune boosting nutrients that can help build up your immune system this winter. 


Probiotics, or the "live active cultures" found in yogurt, are healthy bacteria that keep the gut and intestinal tract free of disease-causing germs. Yogurt is filled with nutrients such as calcium, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-12, potassium and magnesium. Yogurt will also help active microorganisms to balance out any harmful bacteria in your stomach. You will see improved digestion, protection against colon cancer and an overall immunity boost. 

Recommended Serving: Two 6-ounce servings a day.


People who drank 5 cups a day of black tea for 2 weeks had 10 times more virus-fighting in their blood than others who drank a placebo hot drink. The amino acid that's responsible for this immune boost, L-theanine, is abundant in both black and green tea.

Drinking tea may be able to prime the body's immune system against these agents, by teaching disease-fighter immune cells to recognize and remember alkylamines. It's time to grew yourself up a defensive force to strengthen your immune system.

"We found that…alkylamines made by bacteria were recognized by the immune system, and wondered where else in nature they occurred," said study co-author Jack F. Bukowski.

Recommended Serving: Several cups daily. To get up to five times more antioxidants from your tea bags, bob them up and down while you brew.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great way to boost your immune system and help encourage the body to heal itself naturally. Pure and potent aloe vera supplements are powerhouses of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and micronutrients. They are natural foods and virtually a one-stop-shop to help replace dietary inadequacies. 

  • your system is able to draw from the aloe vera the exact nutrients it needs
  • the nutrients work together which gives more powerful results...aloe vera is well known for its synergistic properties 
  • you save money by not having to spend a fortune on a multitude of supplements

Internal use of quality aloe vera over a month will give you in excess of 100 nutrients for the same cost as maybe one or two bottles of a single nutrient. Aloe Vera will also help fight anti viral, fungal and bacterial properties meaning less colds, flu, infections and fungal problems like athletes foot.

Recommended Serving: 2 tablespoons/daily. 


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