With its rich flavor and golden hue, it adds a unique twist to a variety of recipes, Golden Sweet Potato is a fun and exciting ingredient to experiment with, offering endless possibilities for drinks creativity.
A. Golden Sweet Potato Powder 60g
B. Cool Water 100g
C. Milk 200g-300g
D. Ice moderation
2. Add 2oz golden sweet potato powder to the cup with 3oz of hot water and mix until all powder is dissolved.
3. Wall the cup with a long stirring spoon with the golden sweet potato mixture and leave 2-3oz in the bottom of the cup, add in extra Fanale golden cane sugar for desired extra sweetness and mix with a stirring spoon.
4. Add ice until 80% cup full and top it off with milk or other liquid drinks (Best paired with creamy drinks.)
[FP0016] Golden Sweet Potato Powder