Strong and flavorful Vietnamese coffee makes converts as quickly as it raises pulses. But what makes Vietnamese coffee so flavorful? Some will argue it's the filter drip, but the traditional roasting way actually makes for its special intense taste: the Vietnamese can roast it with rice wine, a pinch of salt, and butter. This last ingredient is the reason why slow-drip coffee in Vietnam can sport a slight oily texture. Some roasteries add flavors such as chocolate or caramel, all very much to the taste of local coffee drinkers.
(2 Cups of coffee can make 7 cups of 16oz cup)
- Add 1 Can (14oz) of Condensed Milk w/ 1 cup of Non-Dairy Creamer to a pitcher.
- Add 2 Cups (6oz) of Vietnamese Coffee to a filter (SKU-KSU014)
- Pour 4 Cups of Boiling Hot Water into the Coffee to be steeped.
- Mix ALL ingredients thoroughly and add ICE to serve.
Attached is the video link: https://drive.google.com/file/
Net Weight Per Unit: 5 LB
Units per Case: 2 bags
Gross Weight Per Case: 10 LB